Short or long term luxury car rental

Luxury car rentals are usually for short periods of time, a few hours and/or a few days. Occasionally, situations arise that require renting a luxury car for a longer period of time.

BMW---Series-5-3In what situations is it advisable to use long-term luxury car rental services?

  • Arrival of guests from abroad for a long time – When guests and/or business colleagues from abroad arrive for a long stay in Israel, it is recommended to rent a luxury car for them. Renting a car for a long period may be several weeks and/or several months. The longer and more prolonged the rental period of the luxury cars, the cheaper and lower the prices of the rental cars will be, compared to their daily cost.
  • Temporary senior employees – An organization that employs senior employees who have been appointed to temporary positions in the company will find a long-term luxury car rental an ideal solution for them.
  • Waiting period for the purchased vehicle – When buying new vehicles, there is sometimes a waiting period of several months before receiving them. Renting a luxury car for a long period of several months is very suitable for these people.

In what situations is it advisable to use short-term luxury car rental services?

  • Events – Weddings and Bar/Bat Mitzvah events require the use of luxury vehicles for a short time.
  • Important meetings – arriving at important business meetings and special romantic encounters by luxurious and luxurious vehicle.

Royalty Company , has extensive experience in the field of luxury car rental of all types and prices. The company has a wide range of long-term and short-term rental routes. For advice and additional details, you are invited to contact us via the contact methods listed on the site.

For more details and to reserve dates for vehicles at the National Reservation Center, call: 072-3946386

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